Black Insurance: A blockchain-based marketplace for new age insurance brokers and investors

The current investment market is faces problems of product design and attracting more customers. Several parties are involved in creation of a particular product by the insurance companies, which results in high costs and lot of bureaucracy that hinders innovation. It usually takes years for markets to stabilize. As few big players control and consolidateContinue reading “Black Insurance: A blockchain-based marketplace for new age insurance brokers and investors”

Dataeum: The blockchain-based platform for gathering physical data from anywhere

Data has always remained the most valuable and secret aspect of every company and individual. The current estimate of data market is somewhere around $3 trillion. Oblivious of the valuation, human beings become instrumental in collecting data in various ways — through actions, movements and behaviors and creating value for others.  Blockchain-based platform Dataeum aimsContinue reading “Dataeum: The blockchain-based platform for gathering physical data from anywhere”

GEMERA: Delivering innovative and modern investment opportunity

Investing in precious stones and jewelry without the adequate knowledge and information about them is a real head-scratcher and definitely involves financial risks. Funneling down to investing in emeralds, can be a lot more intricate as it involves extensive process in which the gemstone goes through the value chain from its discovery in the minesContinue reading “GEMERA: Delivering innovative and modern investment opportunity”

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